December 23
This is the time of year when I make something special for the people nearest and dearest. I absolutely refuse to...
December 22
September 10
For the current issue of Utne Reader on a group of veterans from the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, who are touring the...
August 17
I started my drawing career rendering tedious versions of animals in their environments. A naturalist illustrator is...
June 15
For Utne Reader, on key environmental groups that are beholden to corporate money, and therefore end up working on...
April 16
I got caught in Philly yesterday with no art supplies or technology, when the Wall Street Journal called with a...
March 25
March 19
For today's L.A.Times editorial page. There are still those who would say that all our woes are due to...
March 18
Tis the season of battling donkeys and elephants, thanks to the health care debate. This illustrates an article that...
February 23
Following up on Randy's theme...I've seen quite a few Robins lately and am feeling hopeful for us...
January 15
With the beginning of the new year, I am resolved to use the time in between commissions to create images for my own...